All Categories - SalonBLOCS - Salon Membership Software & Marketing
What is BLOCS? BLOCS is your online gateway to unlimited membership services, AKA the Blowdry...
Registering with a membership near you through BLOCS is easy and free. To find a membership...
Anyone can easily join a BLOCS membership as a “registered” member free of charge. As a ...
BLOCS is comprised of just eight sections, accessed through a single login form at www.SalonBLOCS...
BLOCS Members Dashboard screen is where you will find your monthly activity in brief, your...
The Profile section allows you to create a public representation of yourself, including photo,...
Anyone can easily join a BLOCS membership as a “registered” member free of charge, before...
Booking an appointment through BLOCS is easy. Members may only book “Open” blocks, these are pre...
BLOCS default membership settings allows for all members to bring a friend to an appointment,...
Booking an Extended appointment through BLOCS is easy. Members may only book “Open” blocks, these...
BLOCS makes messaging the Club administrator publicly in a group chat or about a specific booking...
Within any screen of BLOCS simply click the top right “?” to bring up a simple help screen which...
Purchasing a Gift Voucher. As well as Joining and Subscribing to a Membership using a credit or...
Our first step in the launch process is a nice easy one, very simply we need you to tick off the...
Your account is fully set up and you have had a nose around, now it's time to put out some...
Ok so your account in setup, you've picked your 7 Ambassadors and released your teaser posts -...
You should have spent the last week posting teasers and affiliate testimonial, so now it's...
You've run your facebook competition, you've picked your winners and your club is up and running ...
Now that we have at least 10 members in the club, it's time to start a facebook group. DID YOU...
Your Membership should be well underway now and you should have your facebook group setup and...