The Profile section allows you to create a public representation of yourself, including photo, contact details, address and social media channels.
The business to which you are a member has access to this page, to use for contacting you regarding appointments.
Also found on this page are your connected Payment Info, Voucher activation field, and subscription plan details.
⇫ – upload an image of your self. This will be displayed as an avatar to associate messages and bookings.
Name – enter your name.
Email – this is your direct contact email address but also your username for login. This can be changed at any time.
Phone – please include dial code.
Address – please include postcode.
Social Media – copy and paste your FB, TW, YT, and IG page web address.
Subscription Plan – connect an existing or new STRIPE account for taking payment of monthly subscription plan.
Monthly Subscription Price – set the amount each member will pay per month for their membership.
Terms and Conditions – link to your membership T&Cs (default BLOCS T&C’s if none entered) .
Vouchers – voucher codes which have been purchased and used or unused.