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7. Stripe/Payment Setup

September 1, 2020

In order for you to receive a monthly subscription fee from your members you must connect an existing, or create a new Stripe account.


Stripe is a secure, reliable and simple online payment portal just like paypal, square or world pay. Unlike all the other Stripe allows us to split the 10 and 90% at the members end so that you don’t need to worry about paying us at a later date.


Stripe is setup completely through BLOCS:

  1. Login to BLOCS at
  2. Navigate to “Profile” in the top right menu.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Connect your Stripe account”
  4. In the following screen, either fill out the form completely OR sign in to an existing Stripe account.
  5. Once complete click “Authorize Access To This Account”

Following the connection to Stripe you must setup the monthly subscription price. This is the amount your members will pay every month to join your club.